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Get to know Christina

Hailing from the beautiful island of Barbados in the Caribbean, Christina Hunte is a fun-loving, yet driven, certified marketing professional, with a love for people, a taste for good food, and a passion for seeing businesses thrive.

Who would have thought that this phenomenal woman of business battled with being an introvert, and struggled with self doubt and limiting beliefs for years! Having overcome this on her awe-inspiring journey, Christina now has the undeniable talent of entrepreneurial empowerment, where she provides tactical, mind-blowing strategies, using a human-centered approach. She is a master at providing entrepreneurs with the tools needed to gain an edge over their competitors and to conquer any fear that might try to consume their minds.

Motivated by the idea that she has the ability to really change the entrepreneurial landscape and the world, Christina is intent on making a difference and leaving an indelible mark on her industry. Through consultations, speaking engagements, teaching, workshops, and training, she has inspired and educated hundreds of students, entrepreneurs, and marketers, with the remarkable skills she has honed.

Christina’s exceptional skills and hard work have allowed her to be selected to represent her country as a Young Leader of the Americas, and have provided her with the opportunity to travel to many cities across the U.S. and the Caribbean for business, education, and networking events.

Christina has also been featured in the Top 30 Barbadian Millennial Entrepreneurs Under 30, and is on a mission to shake up the marketing industry using the extraordinary powers of psychology and research.

Her philosophy is that marketing should never be intrusive or annoying, but instead, a delightful experience that wows your customers and inspires them to love you forever.

Christina is the person you call when you’re planning a workshop, a business event, or when you’re ready to get out of your own way, and chart a path for success. Reach out to Christina today, and watch the magic unfold.

What Clients Say

I found myself with an idea and no clue what to do with it. As a fledgling entrepreneur, my concerns were on protecting my idea yet still finding out if it was viable and what were my options in terms of next steps and making it a reality. After contacting Christina via social media, we set up a date for a call. To my surprise she did not ask me once what my idea was, but instead focused on my expectations for our upcoming meeting. She has been very supportive, knowledgeable and professional throughout this process and I would refer her services to anyone. In fact I have already!

Danielle Phillips

I’ve been following Christina’s page for a few years and knew that she was really good at her job. I’ve known for a little while that I needed some additional help and clarity from an expert to push my business forward and start to grow. So when I saw her post about consultations available, I decided to bite the bullet and get in touch with her the same day. I was quite pleased with the overall experience from beginning to end. She was very clear on what the consultation would entail and basically what I would get clarity on by the time the session was completed. During the session, I appreciated the time she took to answer all of the questions I had that were really weighing on my mind. Even though we covered all of the points, I felt like I gained so much more than just a business strategy consultation. Christina was very reassuring and gave me that push and encouragement that I needed. She even shared personally how she once struggled with some of the same things I currently struggle with, which made her even more relatable. She also shared links to valuable resources which I was able to read after the session. All in all, I am happy I did the session because I know what I need to focus on at the moment and I know I am capable of doing it, thanks to her encouragement.

Leandra King Cool Comfortz Frozen Delights

I'd just like to say how extremely satisfied I am with the whole experience. I decided to do the consultation because I am about to embark on something new and I lacked the knowledge on how to proceed. I knew where I wanted to go, but not how to get there. My overall experience with the consultation was mind blowing. There's so much as a new entrepreneur that I did not know. I now have a clearer vision of what I need to do and how to do it right. You were patient and made sure I understood the true value of what I was providing, and how to sell it. Be confident in your product/service! I've gained so much from just one session, which has erased weeks of worry and uncertainty. I have never felt so secure and confident in the steps I need to take, to be successful in all my business ventures. Christina gave 115%. Everything was broken down into a way that was easy to understand and use time and time again. I am now so excited for what the future holds for me and my business. I am looking forward to working more with Christina and building my brand into all that it can be. My advice to any entrepreneur that may need help and guidance, book a consultation!

Shakira McClean Locmuse Creations